Planet Visualization Project: Panorama
This is the Panorama for my Planet Visualization Project. My goals for this were to take a part of my map and make a view of it from the planet itself. I chose to pull the camera out and show it from far away to show the scale of the landscape and creatures that inhabit it. This planet has reptile-like creatures similar to dinosaurs that coexist with the human-like creatures. These creatures are massive in size, and even the herbivorous animals pose a threat to the human-likes by their size alone. The human-likes live underground mostly, only coming out for hunting and farming. This landscape, while simple, hopefully shows the growth of wildlife and the connection between creatures inhabiting it, large and small.
As with the Planet Skin, I will be showing the progress checks that were taken during the creation of this assignment.
Progress Check 1:
This was the first screenshot taken of the project, and was taken after the sketch was done but the landscape was not yet drawn. I drew the entire landscape using one color and focusing on the shading and values. At this point, I had also started drawing the foliage and trees into the scene.
Progress Check 2:
By the second screenshot, I had finished the foliage and added more shading to it, as well as had drawn in the landscape and its colors. The water was added and finalized and the main of the image was completed.
Progress Check 3:
This was the third screenshot and is the panorama at its final form, with the details of the creatures and man-made structures. There were small details that were added after the creatures were added as well after the creatures.
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